Why Multipreneurship?

Why Become a Multipreneur?

  • Are you already a multipreneur and didn’t even know it?
  • Why are you working so hard anyway?
  • How can you enrich your life while enriching the lives of others?
  • Pragmatically speaking

You are a multi-faceted woman with lots of interests, so why choose to pursue only one? Gone are the days of the “30 years and a gold watch” careers. Should you continue to work day in and day out at the whim of “at-will” employers? Success comes from creating your own path.

Are you already a multipreneur and didn’t even know it?

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowds – Unknown

Lovely ladies, tell me, what do you think of when you hear the names Oprah Winfrey, Mary Kay Ash, Martha Stewart, Tyra Banks, Barbara Corcoran? Certainly that they’re beautiful, fabulous and wealthy women, right? But what else do they have in common? What do these five women, and probably at least 30% of you reading this have in common? That’s right, they are multipreneurs, and if you have more than one business revenue source, you are also multipreneurs!

Now what is interesting and sad about this at the same time, is when I went online to search for women entrepreneurs even knowing they’re out there, it was very difficult even coming up with the above small list. Why is that?

It seems that like multi-tasking, being a multipreneur is a shameful secret, but again I ask why is that? If it’s good enough for the Richard Bransons and Mark Cubans of the world, why isn’t it good enough for us? Men are applauded for being savvy entrepreneurs, but women are still socially chastised when they become smart, visible and successful.

Why are you working so hard anyway?

Work while they sleep; learn while they party; save while they spend; live like they dream. – Unknown

Many have embraced the “gig economy” and “side hustles” to help them get by; the hours are insane and the pay is usually not as promised in the recruitment ads. A thought occurred to me one day, probably in my open-air office (read: taking a walk). If I asked you why are you working so hard anyway, what would your answer be? The reason I’m asking is because just like we want to help you live with purpose, we want to help you work with purpose also. For reasons beyond survival – we want you to reach “thrival.”

Is there another reason you could be working? What if the work you did brought joy and lasting inspiration to others? What if you could work solely for the joy of loving what you do versus working under a sense of responsibility and obligation? What if you had multiple streams of revenue, much of it passive income so that you amass what I call “attitude money” – a sum that you determine, but once accumulated you know you have more choices, and even if something untoward were to happen it would not be the end of the world. Today I am well and truly blessed, but in my former life I was a card-carrying member of the Lemony Snickett Club (from the Jim Carrey movie Lemony Snickett and a Series of Unfortunate Events.)

I don’t want you to think that I’m suggesting money is the end all, be all of everything but I think we can agree that it does make life a little easier when we have more of it, and even more importantly when we have so much “enough” we can begin being more generous to those who need a hand up, when we can live a life of giving to others, in a lasting philanthropic manner.

Really think about it. Take a moment to jot down how much money you consider to be “attitude” money: if you had “x” dollars in the bank or liquid investments, so that even if you lost your job or biggest client today it would be more of a shoulder shrug instead of a complete meltdown. How much would that be for you?

After you determine the very attractive sum of money that gives you a more joyful mindset, upon having that attitude money, and the career or business you want most in your heart of hearts, how would you give back? What would be your charitable giving choice?

How can you enrich your life while enriching the lives of others?

“If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and every day you have the opportunity to write a new page.”Mark Houlahan

To me, I lead a very ordinary life. But to my sisters I am doing some extraordinary things. I don’t know which one of us is correct, but I will say that I am now living a life of clarity. I finally know what my gift is and I am working to bring it to fruition. I am a teacher, in a long line of teachers before me. But as this is the 21st century, calling myself a teacher takes on a broader meaning. As a teacher/coach/mentor, I am in a position to pass along knowledge, but more importantly, through my different roles, I can also pass on inspiration, motivation, hope and perhaps, even courage.

With this clarity comes greater confidence and certainty in creating the desired outcomes and I can see that the different organizations I’m building – the ones that aren’t on my business card – will literally changes lives. And they will become my legacy. In the words of the King of Pop, every day create your history.

Pragmatically speaking:

“It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose your own.” 
― Harry Truman

  • Did you know that fewer women than men have 401ks?
  • Did you know that more women than men file bankruptcy?
  • We already know that women with families spend more time out of the workforce than men.
  • Social Security is no longer guaranteed (and by the way, it was never designed to be the sole source of retirement income.)

2020 was a wake-up call for many; the hardest hit demographic was women, primarily because women make up the majority of the frontline, hourly workers who were hardest hit by the pandemic.

Did you get a late start on retirement planning, or worse yet, can’t afford to put money away because every penny goes to taking care of the daily? Is there too much month left after your money’s gone?

We have to take control of our own lives, secure our own financial future. You don’t have to just work for the sake of working. Work to create a better life. Work to create more choices in your life. Work to create joy. Work to give back. Work to have the means and more, for all of these creations.

At Pink Passport Society we delight in helping women create successful businesses and partnerships. Through our exclusive training programs, we also help you become more comfortable with investing and acquiring assets so you can create generational wealth.

Our world continues to change. Will you change with it? How will you grow and become? Yesterday’s habits and skills will not get you to where you want to go. Become part of a movement that can change your life. Check out some of the benefits we offer; membership truly has its advantages! Become a member of Pink Passport Society’s community of Moonlighters, Multipreneurs, and Money Mavens. We welcome you!